WFH Series Part 3: Work from Home Set-up Success through Education
Work from Home (WFH) continues into 2021 and some workplaces are exploring options for staff to continue working from home permanently, at least part-time. This is part 3 of a 3-part webinar series we have offered on WFH and the considerations workplaces transitioning to permanent work should be considering.
Work from Home Set-up Success through Education
Selecting the right equipment for staff working at home is a building block to a successful ergonomic set-up but the second step is just as crucial: educating staff on how to adjust that equipment to properly fit them. Without education on how to set-up their chair, keyboard/mouse and monitor your staff may struggle to achieve the proper fit thereby opening themselves and the workplace up to MSD injuries.
Mapping out a training plan that matches the goals of the organization and ensures staff can properly set-up their equipment to be comfortable, productive and engaged in their work has benefits for all levels of an organization. Join us to review essential training practices and how you can make all pieces of the WFH plan (self-assessment, equipment and training) work together to achieve effective and long-lasting MSD injury prevention!
View the entire 3-part WFH webinar series on our YouTube playlist.
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