How To Do A Thorough Job Demands Assessment
Think about a previous job accommodation or Return to Work case completed within your organization. You most likely referenced an existing, or completed a new, Physical Demands Assessment (PDA) to determine whether the job was an ideal fit with the employee’s physical abilities or if any modifications were necessary to accommodate the worker. Equipped with objective data on essential job duties, environmental conditions, mobility, strength, and dexterity demands, and postural requirements, this was likely a straightforward process, but did you consider the cognitive requirements of the job?

Job Demands Assessment: Goes Beyond The Physical
A comprehensive Job Demands Assessment (JDA) includes both physical and cognitive requirements. It’s crucial to recognize that cognitive demands—such as memory, literacy, attention to detail, emotional resilience, and the ability to handle confrontational situations—also impact job performance. These cognitive demands are often overlooked in traditional job assessments but are essential for a complete understanding of job requirements.
CDA and PDA Go Hand-In-Hand In A Job Demands Assessment
Integrating a Cognitive Demands Assessment (CDA) with a PDA provides a full picture of the job’s requirements. A CDA evaluates cognitive, psychosocial, and emotional factors, complementing the physical aspects covered in a PDA. Together, these assessments form a comprehensive Job Demands Assessment (JDA), which captures the complete range of abilities needed for an employee to succeed, avoid injuries, and reduce absenteeism.
Why Perform a Job Demands Assessment?
Performing a JDA ensures that all aspects of job performance are considered. By including both physical and cognitive demands, you can better prepare for employee accommodations and support a successful Return to Work process. If you’re undertaking PDAs, consider conducting CDAs simultaneously to fully address job demands and create a supportive work environment.
How We Can Help With Job Demands Assessments
If you’re new to Job Demands Assessments or need assistance with the process, we’re here to help! Contact us today to learn how we can assist with JDAs and support your Return to Work or disability management processes.
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