WFH Series Part 1: Self-Assessment to Avoid MSD Injuries at Home
Work from Home (WFH) continues into 2021 and some workplaces are exploring options for staff to continue working from home permanently, at least part-time. From February to April 2021 we’ll be hosting a 3-part series on WFH and the considerations workplaces transitioning to permanent work should be considering. This is part 1 of the 3-part WFH series.
Self-Assessment to Avoid MSD Injuries at Home
One of the challenges of addressing risk in home offices is that you can’t see them.
This can limit an employer’s ability to identify issues and provide corrective actions or work method suggestions for minimizing MSD injury risk. In most cases, the solution to this challenge is focusing on self-assessment and good quality follow-up. A self-assessment tool that is used as an integral part of your Work from Home evaluation process should evaluate the home office set-up, provide recommendations for potential changes and flag items for follow-up.
This webinar is designed to discuss self-assessment strategies workplaces can use to evaluate at home set-ups and begin to explore management strategies for addressing issues identified during the initial set-up and evaluation phase and potentially again when injury or discomfort is initially reported.
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